Affordable coverage for if you’re injured

If you’re not concerned about having disability income insurance that will provide benefits due to illness, consider an Accident Only insurance policy. It can provide more affordable short-term protection should you need benefits due to a disabling accident. This policy can pay up to a maximum monthly benefit of $5,000.

Product Details

Accident Only Disability Income Insurance
  • Monthly Benefit - Based on a portion of your current income. Maximum monthly base benefit is $5,000.
  • Elimination period* - 0, 7, 14, 30, 60 or 90 days
  • Benefit period* - 3, 6, 12 or 24 months
  • Issue ages - 18-61
  • Premium** - Premium rate is level until coverage ends at age 67
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to schedule an appointment call 800-388-9606

** You must be in this age range to purchase Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company’s (Mutual of Omaha) disability income insurance plans. Premiums will remain level to age 67 even if you file a claim. The only way your premium would be changed prior to age 67 is if you change your policy features or premiums are raised collectively for all people with the same Mutual of Omaha policy.

Built-in Benefit Highlights

Some of the benefits included in the base policy are:

Total Disability Income Benefit

If an injury prevents you from performing the duties of your regular job, and you aren’t gainfully employed in another occupation, we will pay you a monthly benefit once the elimination period has been met.

Partial Disability Benefit

If an injury prevents you from performing the duties of your regular job or more than 50 percent of your normal day, we will pay you 50 percent of the total disability monthly benefit once the elimination period has been met. Payable for up to six months.

Guaranteed Renewable

We cannot cancel this policy, up to age 67, as long as you pay the premium when due.

Waiver of Premium

Premium is waived for the coverage and optional riders after you are disabled for 90 days. We will also refund any premiums you paid during this 90-day period.

Workers’ Compensation

If you are disabled by an injury that is covered by state or federal workers’ compensation, employer’s liability or occupational disease law we will pay you 50 percent of the short-term disability benefits for which you are eligible.

Survivor Benefit

If you die while you are disabled, we will pay your beneficiaries a lump-sum amount equal to three times the total disability monthly benefit, payable at the time of your death.

Optional Benefits (additional premium applies)
Accident Hospital Confinement Indemnity Benefits Rider (Form 0LL9M)

Pays you up to $500 for each day you’re confined to a hospital due to an accident. The benefit doubles for days of confinement in intensive care. Benefits are payable for a maximum of 45 days for any period of confinement.

Accident Medical Expense Benefits Rider (Form 0ML1M-41)

Provides you reimbursement for medical-related expenses incurred per accident. Maximum benefit amounts per accident are $1,000, $2,000, $3,000 and $5,000. Covers services and supplies received within 26 weeks from the date of the covered injury.