A Cougar Walking at Sunrise
Place holder image
Florida Panther Image Picked Up by a Trail Cam
Panther Walking on a Florida Trail
Sea Otter Looking Up
Baby Sea Otter Resting on Their Mom
Bison Running in the Snow
A Bison Mom and Her Baby
Bald Eagled Perched in a Tree
Bald Eagle Mid-Flight
Monarch Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly Sitting on a Flower
Salamander Sitting on Some Moss
Thumbnail - A Cougar Walking at Sunrise
Thumbnail - Place holder image
Thumbnail - Florida Panther Image Picked Up by a Trail Cam
Thumbnail - Panther Walking on a Florida Trail
Thumbnail - Sea Otter Looking Up
Thumbnail - Baby Sea Otter Resting on Their Mom
Thumbnail - Bison Running in the Snow
Thumbnail - A Bison Mom and Her Baby
Thumbnail - Bald Eagled Perched in a Tree
Thumbnail - Bald Eagle Mid-Flight
Thumbnail - Monarch Butterfly
Thumbnail - Monarch Butterfly Sitting on a Flower
Thumbnail - Salamander
Thumbnail - Salamander Sitting on Some Moss



Florida Panther

Florida Panther

Sea Otter

Sea Otter



Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly

Yellow Spotted Salamander


Celebrating Wildlife Conservation

We had an amazing week with our friends at the National Wildlife Federation, sharing success stories of wildlife conservation, testing our knowledge on some animal quizzes, gushing over our Florida panther kitten photos, and of course, daily videos from Peter Gros, host of Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom and David Mizejewski with the National Wildlife Federation. Check out the recaps to continue celebrating our wild neighbors.

In addition to the celebration online, Peter and David made appearances on many local TV news and radio programs across the country. Here are a couple of those interviews:

Cougar, Los Angeles

We learned 5 facts about the cougars (aka mountain lions) living in one of the biggest cities in North America. Learn more about cougars here.

Panther, Florida

First, we got up close and personal with some of the illusive panthers of the Florida wetlands. Our friends at the fStop Foundation shared some amazing shots from their trail cameras. Check it out.

Then, we caught up with Peter and David to learn how these big cats are fighting back against habitat destruction and dwindling species numbers. Watch the panther video here.

Sea Otter, Pacific Northwest

When you’re finished with the quiz, head over to this video to learn why sea otters are so important to their ecosystem.

Black Bear, Colorado

Did you know that black bears aren’t always black? Learn more from Peter and David, including how we can safely coexist with these beautiful bears.

Bison, Wyoming & the Dakotas

Then, did you know what bison used to roam over the entire continental US? That’s right! Learn more about bison from Peter and David.

Bald Eagle, Midwest

Don’t call it a comeback. The bald eagle is officially off the endangered species list, but there’s more we can continue to do to ensure this American bird is safe and healthy for years to come. See what Peter and David have to say here.

Monarch Butterfly, Texas

Pollinators are required to grow some 85% of flowering plants. So, if you like fruits, vegetables, nuts and much more, we need to work hard to give our pollinator friends a habitat where they can thrive! Check out how to create your own pollinator garden.

Then head over to the daily video to learn more about the great wonder that is the monarch butterfly migration.

Salamander, New England

Did you know the salamanders are an indicator species? Because of their semipermeable skin, they absorb gases and other toxins in the air, so if salamander numbers are dropping, you know it’s time for action. Learn more from Peter and David here.

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