Updated on May 31, 2024

Peter Gros’ Five Tips to Get Outdoors

Peter introduced his family to the wonders of spending time in nature at a young age and that passion for the outdoors is now being passed down to his grandchildren. Peter is excited to share a few ways for families to start the same tradition of enjoy time outdoors!

1. Visit a National or State Park.

National and State Parks are beautiful places that are full of wildlife and set aside for families to learn from and enjoy. What makes the parks so great is the fact that many of them have programs designed specifically for kids and families to help get them more involved while out in nature. Just make sure to bring your binoculars for animal watching from a safe distance!

2. Volunteer at an animal sanctuary or nature retreat in your local area.

Studies show that working with animals lowers stress levels and what better way to encourage spending time outdoors than by volunteering with furry friends? Visiting and volunteering at an animal sanctuary or nature retreat with your family can teach young children about the importance of conservation and animal care.

A great resource for determining which accredited and verified animal sanctuary you’d like to visit is the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuary’s finder.

3. Plant a wildlife garden with the family in your own backyard.

Enjoy nature’s beautiful creatures like songbirds, butterflies and hummingbirds year-round by creating an ideal habitat in your own backyard. According to the National Wildlife Foundation, here is what your garden should include:

  • Food: Use local plants to help supplement natural food sources. Plants provide nectar, seeds, nuts, fruit and more for various forms of wildlife.
  • Water: Water is an important resource for all animals’ survival. It can also be used for bathing or breeding purposes.
  • Coverage: Provide shelter from bad weather or predators by including items such as a nesting box.

4. Get active in nature with a scenic hike.

Hiking is one of my favorite family activities! It provides us with a mental health boost and chance to reconnect with nature. Although you don’t always have to go far to find a great place to hike, some of my favorite places include:

  • Yosemite National Park in California – The trail meanders through the woods following the Merced River and brings you to one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world.
  • Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah – This park is the only place in the world where you can see giant formations called hoodoos.
  • White River National Forest in Colorado – The reflection of the mountain peaks on the lake is a stunning sight. And there’s always the possibility you may see wildlife in this pristine natural setting like mule deer, red fox, big horn sheep or porcupine.

Learn more about these beautiful hiking locations here!

5. Check local community events pages for free offerings.

When in doubt, check your local events pages to find inspiration and upcoming outdoor activities to participate in with the entire family from nature walks to visiting wildlife viewing sites.


Ready for your next adventure? Read about Peter’s favorite National Parks here.

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