This is North America’s red tail hawk. They're found in many states throughout the United States.

They actually do quite well – you see them around farmlands killing rodents and snakes and other harmful animals. They're a broad-winged hawk, not a tremendous soaring hawk, but designed so they can fly through the forest trees, look out over open grasses, have tremendous eyesight looking for movement, then they'll drop down with these talons which have 100 pounds pressure roughly per square inch to grab their prey.

So this is nature's form of rodent control. Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom – catch back-to-back episodes every Sunday night on RFD-TV.
An image from a classic Wild Kingdom episode, featuring Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler. An image from a classic Wild Kingdom episode, featuring Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler.

Now Streaming: Classic Wild Kingdom Episodes

Relive your childhood by checking out clips from Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom classic series with Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler.